Ahoskie Christian School (A.C.S.) is a ministry of Ahoskie Free Will Baptist Church. Our church’s mission is fulfill the Great Commission that our Lord Jesus Christ gave to the church (Matthew 28:18-20). We believe this commission can be summarized in three simple points: (1) Exalt the Savior; (2) Edify the Believers; and (3) Evangelize the Sinners. Our A.C.S. ministry serves to accomplish all three of these objectives by educating the minds of young people with a biblical worldview and cultivating in their hearts a passion for the Lord Jesus Christ and His work. We want A.C.S. to positively contribute to the kingdom of God and our local community. We exist to serve God and serve our community by seeking to bring a biblical worldview to the philosophy of education and provide a safe environment where young people can be cultivated with truth.
For more information about Ahoskie Church visit our website at www.ahoskiechurch.com
If you do not currently have a local church that you attend we would love to have you connect with us. Check our website for our service times.