Statement of Faith
God – God is a spirit (John 4:24) who is the Creator (Genesis 1:1), Sustainer, and Righteous Ruler of the universe. He is perfectly good (Psalm 34:8) and has all power (Isaiah 40:10). He has revealed himself in nature, and in the Scriptures of the Holy Bible as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: yet as one God.
Jesus Christ – Jesus Christ is God’s unique Son; both divine and human. The Scriptures teaches that he is God revealed in human flesh. In his divine nature he is truly God and in his human nature truly human. He is the One once crucified for humanity’s sin, the now risen and glorified Savior and Lord who mediates between God and humanity and who gives us access to the Father through his intercession. None can come to the Father unless they come through him (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23; Luke 1:35; John 2:11, 11:25; Acts 1:11; Ephesians 1:7; Colossians 1:14; Hebrews 4:15, 7:25, 9:12).
The Bible – We believe the Bible to be the inspired, only infallible, authoritative Word of God. The Bible is the only authoritative rule of faith and practice. This means that the Bible is our guide on all issues of life. (II Timothy 3:16; II Peter 1:21)
Humankind – God created humankind in a state of innocence. Human beings, being tempted by Satan, yielded and willfully disobeyed God, becoming sinners and incurring God’s judgment upon sin. All of Adam’s descendants inherit his fallen nature and thus have a natural inclination to sin. When one comes to an age of accountability, he is held guilty of sinning before God and in need of salvation. (Genesis 1:26-28, 2:7, 3:1-24; John 3:18; Romans 3:23, 5:8, 6:23).
Salvation – Humankind receives pardon and forgiveness for sins when they admit to God that they are sinners, when in godly sorrow they turn from their sins and trust in the work of Christ as redemption for their sin. This acceptance of God’s great salvation involves belief in Christ’s death on the cross as humankind’s substitute and the fact of God’s raising Christ from the dead as predicted. It is a salvation by grace and through faith alone; it is not of works. (John 3:16–18; Romans 3:23, 5:8, 6:23, 10:9–10)
Who Can be Saved? – It is God’s will that all be saved, but since humankind has the power of choice, God saves only those who repent of their sin and believe in the work of Christ on the cross. Those who refuse during this life to repent and believe have no later chance to be saved and thus condemn themselves to eternal damnation by their unbelief.
Christ’s Second Coming – The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ, who ascended on high and sits at the right hand of God, will one day come again to glorify his saints, and judge the world.